Lizbeth Montalvo

Student Body President

Headshot of Liz Montalvo

Directory Contact

Lizbeth Montalvo

Student Body President


Major(s): Political communications and Spanish

Expected year of graduation: 2025

Additional Information

Involvement on campus: Panther Ambassadors, UNIdos, Jumpstart Academy and Thrive mentor

Why did you join NISG?

I joined NISG because I have always emphasized giving back to the community that has always given to you. I have centered my future profession around giving back to the Latinx community not only in my hometown, but all around. Once I began to think I realized I should start giving back and bettering the place in which is allowing me to become the person I will be and am right now.

Fun fact: Spanish is my first language

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-11am