Upper Cabinet Applications

The Executive Branch of the Northern Iowa Student Government serves to collaborate with the administration and works on broader initiatives. These roles consist of the Directors of Finance, Governmental Relations, Public Relations, Diversity, Chief Justice, and the Chief of Staff.

Applications for the 2025-26 Upper Cabinet are open.

The Spring priority deadline is April 4th, 2025 at 11:59 PM

*Will be accepting applications after this deadline as long as the position is open*

  • Serves as a financial advisor to all student organizations requesting funding.
  • Monitors all requisitions, expenditures, deposits, transfers, and receipts for all Northern Iowa Student Government controlled accounts.
  • Serves as Northern Iowa Student Government Liaison to the Student Accounts Coordinator and Student Life Staff.
  • Serves as an ex-officio/non-voting member of the Organization and Finance Committee. In this capacity, the Director shall be responsible for:
    • Sending notice to all student organizations, at the beginning of every academic semester, regarding the availability of Committee funding.
    • Sending notice to student organizations regarding Organization and Finance funding approval or denial, including the rationale for the denial.
    • Reviewing changes to student organization constitutions to ensure that changes do not violate the Funding and Recognition Guidelines.
    • Informing student organizations of policies and procedures regarding using student organization funding (incurred or contracted, funded in part by, hearing times and dates, etc.)
  • Prepares the Northern Iowa Student Government Budget.
  • Serves as an ex-officio/non-voting member of the Pepsi Fund, Student Fees Committee, and Intercollegiate Academic Fund.
  • The Director of Finance, Student Life Staff, and the Student Life office workers will be the only ones to handle any amount of finances. 
  • Represents Northern Iowa Student Government in matters concerning the laws and by-laws before the Northern Iowa Student Government Supreme Court.
  • Meets regularly with members of the state legislature to promote student interests.
  • Coordinates Federal activities with the President of the University and the Assistant to the President for Board and Governmental Relations to promote student interests to the federal delegation
  • Plans and coordinates with University Relations and student organizations for lobbying activities to the State of Iowa and an annual “UNI Day at the Statehouse.”
  • Shall keep the student body updated on activities of the state government through newsletters, posted announcements, and any other media outlets available.
  • Serves as an ex-officio/non-voting member of the External Relations Committee.
  • Plans and coordinates voter registration efforts for students at the University.
  • Serve as a leader of the Legislative Liaison Team and sets the lobbying agenda for the year.
  • Oversee the City Council Student Liaison and attend City Council as needed. 
  • The Director of Government Relations shall be non-partisan and shall keep opposing views from infringing on the position’s responsibilities. 
  • Serves as a public relations officer for the Northern Iowa Student Government and will advertise services and programs to the student body. 
  • Shall create, update, and maintain the Northern Iowa Student Government website. 
    • Shall post templates on the Northern Iowa Student Government website for bills, financial and otherwise, and resolutions along with a brief explanation on how to write legislation. 
    • Post the reports of the Executive Officers on the website for public viewing.
  • Will keep social media platforms up to date on events and relevant issues in the Northern Iowa Student Government. 
  • Serves as an ex-officio/non-voting member of the Campus Relations Committee.
  • Shall provide a monthly report to the student body that details activities of the Student Government.
  • Shall address and provide insight on the enhancement of diversity through academic and social venues. 
  • Shall serve on academic, social, and institutional committees geared towards the enhancement of diversity and a positive student-life experience. In this way, serves on the following committees and attends the following meetings: 
    • Vice Chairs Coca-Cola Fund Committee
    • Disability Advisory and Advocacy Committee
    • Chairs International Advisory Council, or appoints another student to serve in this position
    • Student Leadership Advisory Committee
    • Any multicultural student organization alliance council
    • Other boards and committees as needed
  • Will facilitate diversity-focused programming that enhances student body wide recognition and appreciation of acceptance and diversity. 
  • Shall establish communication between and report to student groups for the purpose of aiding in and enhancing a positive student-life experience. 
  • Shall keep the student body updated on activities of diversity through newsletters, posted announcements, and any other media outlets available.
  • Shall serve as ex-officio/non-voting member of the Campus Relations Committee.
  • Shall be the primary coordinator of all Northern Iowa Student Government related business:
    • Maintains a contact list of all executive officers, Senators, and Justices.
    • Shall record minutes at each senate meeting.
    • Shall be responsible for ensuring the accurateness and completeness of all Senate meetings prior to distribution. 
    • Maintains the official record of Northern Iowa Student Government bills and resolutions.
    • Shall assist the Vice President with Upper Cabinet meetings, as needed.
    • Oversees Board of Directors and meets, at minimum, monthly with them.
    • Shall update and document all Board of Directors position descriptions and initiatives.
  • Work with the Speaker of the Senate and/or a student media service to ensure that meetings of the Senate are recorded and, if possible, made accessible in real-time to students via the internet and that all bills and resolutions are made available to students on the website after their passage
  • Any other duties as assigned by the President and Vice President
  • The Chief Justice shall be:
    • The presiding officer of the Court and its administration.
    • The highest ranking member of the Court. 
    • The official representative of the Court.
    • The Election Commissioner during the General Election.
  • In conjunction with the Clerk of Court, the Chief Justice shall maintain any and all informational affairs of the Court.
  • Shall serve as a non-voting member of the Government and Legislative Affairs Committee.
  • Shall have the ability to assign Associate Justices to serve on University Committees at their discretion.
  • Shall be responsible for maintaining attendance of the members of the Court during all meetings.
  • In all matters related to the Court, the Chief Justice shall act in an impartial and objective manner.
  • Shall uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of the Northern Iowa Student Government.
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